Contact Us
If you would like to discuss trailer or truck rental, leasing or maintenance & repair with us or have a general enquiry, please complete the appropriate short form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Contact us for Rental & Leasing
Contact us for Maintenance & Repair
Regional Headquarters
UK & Ireland HQ
Trailers | +44 (0) 161 868 2600 |
Tankers | +44 (0) 1977 674 100 |
Other Regional HQ's
Austria | +43 (0) 72 435 084 00 |
Belgium | +32 (0) 3 541 2040 |
Canada | +1 888 564 4444 (toll free) |
Czech Republic | +420 727 899 789 |
Denmark | +45 701 073 00 |
Finland | +35 (0) 82 073 497 77 |
France | +33 (0) 1 60 76 85 20 |
Germany | +49 40 350 88 01 |
Ireland | +353 1 844 414 |
Italy | +39 026 773 5632 |
Norway | +47 649 843 00 |
Poland | +48 616 659 840 |
Romania | +40 215 296 643 |
Spain | + 34 918 209 250 |
Sweden | +46 423 855 90 |
Netherlands | +31 (0) 10 288 6000 |
Global HQ
Global HQ | +31 (0) 20 504 1600 |
Find the addresses of all TIP locations here.
Roadside Assistance Telephone Numbers
Austria | +43 (0)192 810 65 |
Belgium | +32 (0)354 576 86 |
Czech Republic | +420 323 601 131 |
Denmark | +46 101 450 555 |
Finland | +46 101 450 555 |
France | +33 (0)176 749 171 |
Germany | +49 (0)692 222 1678 |
Ireland | +35 318 444 144 |
Italy | +39 023 604 9195 |
Norway | +46 101 450 555 |
Poland | +48 22 331 01 03 |
Romania | +40 (0)215 298 998 |
Spain | +34 902 121 237 |
Sweden | +46 101 450 555 |
The Netherlands | +31 (0)205 042 200 |
United Kingdom |
All calls to this number are charged at a service charge rate of 7p per minute, plus your providers access charge. |